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McTimoney Chiropractic patients report benefit from a range of complaints including:
    Back and Neck Pain                               IBS                                            
    Cervicogenic Headaches & Migraines       Sciatic pain and Neuralgia            
    Pain in Pregnancy                                 Sport's Injuries           
    Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis               Repetitive Strain Injuries         
    Frozen Shoulder                                    Whiplash Injuries
    Mentstrual Problems                              Tennis & Golfer's Elbow

mctimoney chiropractic

Who Can benefit?

Due to the particularly gentle nature of McTimoney Chiropractic, it is suitable for all ages including new born babies and children, pregnant women through to the more mature and elderly.

The majority of my clients come from personal recommendations, mainly from Maidstone, Medway and the surrounding areas, but also the rest of Kent as well as clients who still visit from Essex, Surrey, Sussex and Somerset and some who travel from France and Holland.

What to expect when going for Chiropractic treatment

At your first appointment  a full case history will be taken regarding your general health, lifestyle and symptoms in order to get a clear picture of your condition.

This is then followed by a thorough examination of all the joints in your body, including neurological and orthopaedic testing so as to assess and analyse your particular problem. 
In order to perform a thorough and comprehensive assessment and treatment patients are requested to undress to their underwear or similar clothing. Modesty gowns are available and a screen provided for your privacy. All patients under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by an appropriate adult, but all patients are welcome to provide a chaperone of their choice.
Once a working diagnosis has been established, the whole-body treatment can start and your road to recovery can begin.

Who can benefit from Chiropractic treatment

43 Stockett Lane, Coxheath, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4PT
Telephone: 01622 745178 - Email:  info@coxheathchiropractic.co.uk